It's time for our annual Book Dash R10 sale. Take advantage of this incredible offer and secure quality African storybooks to boost your organisation’s resources, as a gift to little loved ones or to donate in-kind.

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It's time for the annual Book Dash R10 sale. Take advantage of this incredible offer and secure quality African storybooks to boost your organisation’s resources, as a gift to little loved ones or to donate in-kind. Selected titles are available in the eleven official South African languages.

Order form

All children should own beautiful books in which they can see themselves. Owning books from very young has been shown to make a huge difference to the development of a child’s emerging literacy skills, their socio-emotional skills, their level of school-readiness, and their all-round future prospects of success. 


In addition to our ongoing book donation work, we offer this annual R10 sale from stock, as well as our annual collaborative print run (coming up a bit later this year) as ways in which we hope to make giving books as affordable as possible for you and your organisation, so that together we can grow a nation of readers.


To see what books are on offer, or to place your order, click this link to the form, or the button below:


Orders are open while stocks last. Any questions can be sent to

Order here

Remember, you can also always access, read, download, print, copy, translate or adapt all Book Dash books. They're available under an open license at

Happy reading to All!

Team Book Dash

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