How to credit Book Dash when using our books
All Book Dash books are created and published to our website for free under a Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License). The open license means that there is no restriction on what can be done with the books, not even a restriction on commercial use.
This means that anyone can download the files from our website and re-publish the books on their own website, or make audio versions and animations from the books, or translate the books into any language. Anyone can even print thousands of copies and sell them. In this way, the books reach children and families globally.
Book Dash identity guidelines
At Book Dash we work hard at communicating about our work in a consistent manner to raise awareness and to ensure a sense of familiarity and reliability, and this includes our visual identity branding. We use the same logo, fonts, colours, and images throughout our communications and we require our Open Content Partners to do the same when referring to Book Dash, so please make sure to use the following names, links, guidelines when mentioning Book Dash as your content partner.