Our Annual Summary tells the story of our activities, reach and growth in the most recent financial year. Our audited Annual Financial Statements (AFS) show that Book Dash is a financially healthy and sustainable organisation, intent on making a difference for years to come. You can also read some case studies about our work, and understand the positive impact that your funds to Book Dash can have on the lives of children.
Book Dash is registered with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), and we’re a SARS-approved Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with Section 18a status. This means that all bone fide donations to Book Dash quality for a Section 18a tax exemption certificate.
We are a B-BBEE Level One organisation. Book Dash is also compliant with the Community Chest Due Dilligence assessment of the organisations legal and governance compliance.
Throughout the year, we share our reflections, learnings from literacy partners in the field or a deep dive into an aspect of our work in newsletters and blog posts. You can read past newsletters by clicking the button below, or join our mailing list here to get these quarterly updates to your inbox.