Early Learning themes
You asked and we listened… with the help of valuable feedback from our partners, all 200 Book Dash books have now been categorised into 15 Book Dash themes! The themes are in line with local and international Early Learning themes to make it easier for anyone to find and select Book Dash books. Have a look at the brand new “Books page” on our website (https://bookdash.org/books/) to see how easy it is to filter by language and theme to get the books you’d like to read, download, include in your programmes, or print and distribute!
What has changed?
You can now easily navigate between all our books and use the language filter like before, or the brand new themes filter, or the two together, to search for books. Or you can use the search function if you know the name of the book you’re after. All of this can be done directly from the Books page on our website.
If you’re interested in learning more about the themes, you can click on the Themes page and see all 15 Book Dash themes and by further clicking on each of them you’ll see which topics they respectively cover and which books are linked to them.
Where previously you had to scroll through all 700+ books on the Books page, there’s now only five pages to go through to see all 200 original Book Dash books. This doesn’t mean that the other 500 disappeared, they are just all neatly grouped together. So on the Books page you’ll see all the Book Dash books in English. And for the ones with translations into other South African languages, you’ll spot a language tab telling you how many languages that book has been translated into.
You can now also immediately see, when clicking on an individual book, how many, and which other languages it’s been translated into and if you click on the language cover of the book you’re after, you’ll be taken to that book’s book page.
We hope you enjoy the new features and website update as much as we like it and that it will save you loads of time when selecting Book Dash books to read, print, share, and include in your literacy programmes!
Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or if anything is unclear about the purpose and use of the new features.